Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Financial Reform needs to get done

Wall Street Sign Pictures, Images and Photos

Numerous banks and financial firms have treacherously taken advantage of everyday ppl,who invested thousands,some even millions into these fat cat organizations. CEO's and big shot executives were only concerned about adding more commerce to their wallets,instead of doing the right things with investors' money. From A.I.G. and Lehman Brothers to Goldman Sachs, it seemed like these companies were looking out for the best interests of their European accounts,rather than worrying about good,hard working individuals' honest investments.
I mean, really? Goldman Sachs betting that their clients' sub-prime mortgage packages would fail?

That's inexcusable.

Now I hear about Republicans that dont want to past this Democratic bill. The G.O.P. doesn't want this bill passed because it might affect not only their stocks or shares,but it could also affect money being invested into future campaign trails. They say the regulation bill can cause more government bailouts. Yeah. Right. If the Reps really want to see Wall St calm down in the free market and do better towards Main St, then they would have joined the Dems in formulating a more agreeable financial regulations bill that Congress and most importantly the American ppl can all agree on.

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