Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Financial Reform needs to get done

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Numerous banks and financial firms have treacherously taken advantage of everyday ppl,who invested thousands,some even millions into these fat cat organizations. CEO's and big shot executives were only concerned about adding more commerce to their wallets,instead of doing the right things with investors' money. From A.I.G. and Lehman Brothers to Goldman Sachs, it seemed like these companies were looking out for the best interests of their European accounts,rather than worrying about good,hard working individuals' honest investments.
I mean, really? Goldman Sachs betting that their clients' sub-prime mortgage packages would fail?

That's inexcusable.

Now I hear about Republicans that dont want to past this Democratic bill. The G.O.P. doesn't want this bill passed because it might affect not only their stocks or shares,but it could also affect money being invested into future campaign trails. They say the regulation bill can cause more government bailouts. Yeah. Right. If the Reps really want to see Wall St calm down in the free market and do better towards Main St, then they would have joined the Dems in formulating a more agreeable financial regulations bill that Congress and most importantly the American ppl can all agree on.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hip Hop Mainstream vs Hip Hop Underground

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Now growing up,I mainly listened to whatever music was being played on the radio. And 99.2% of the time it was mainstream rap music. I hadn't even really heard of the word underground when I was a kid. Its was usually that whatever songs your peers listened to,well,that's what you'll listen to also. Individualism is never something that most kids will try to say that they have. Then when i got older,I started to realize that the underground places more emphasis on lyrical ability rather than seeking towards having records that are highly commercialized. Now there are lyricists like Nas and Common who have made great records that have spoken to people in everyday society.

Many mainstream artists are doing what they can towards supporting their families a great deal financially. I definitely would never knock someone trying to provide financial support for ppl they have to take care of. Rap these days though is in a state of influx. Chris Rock said one time in one of his comedy specials that he likes rap music. He also said that its difficult to defend these days. That was a couple of years ago that he said that. Nothing's changed. Everyone has their own perspective of life and their environment,plus their music is suppose to be a true reflection of who they are. Still,if many who like the rap industry the way is,says that rap is just in a cycle,they must mean its on a uni-cycle in a giant cardboard box. Which basically means its going nowhere. Fast. Mainstream rap isnt evolving. Its devolving. Its digressing. Ignorance is being embraced each and everyday on the mainstream level. Thats why I listen to more underground artists than mainstream artists. Immortal Technique and Jay Electronica are great lyricists with actual substance within their lyrical content.

I don't like when rappers use Hollywood(i.e. movies) as a excuse to put out music thats extremely ignorant. Wanna know the one thing that separates movies from the rap industry?
Two Words:Independent Films. See independent flims are just like the underground in rap.
Major studio companies may not believe in their projects so what many directors do is make the movies themselves. They fund their own projects. Yeah,just like underground rappers. Still the
only unfortunate difference is that their projects can be recognize by the Academy Awards(aka The Oscars) while great underground records don't get nationally recognize and introduce to ppl
who may not be familar with their work.

Certain aritsts like Technique and Electronica dont get an opportunity to be nominated for a MTV Music Award,a BET Award or a Grammy. Know why? Because major label execs only care about the almighty dollar.They're willing to have an industry be so one-dimensional and so vain for a couple more dollars that they don't need,instead of embracing more artists who not only want to make music,but also music that matters from a respectable standpoint.
Underground artists can work with great producers,without making records that sound too commercial to them. I'm all for balance in the hip hop industry,not creating dissension within this genre of music. Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. Its time to have more records that speak about encouraging young ppl.Its time for them to speak about utilizing the First Amendment through rap music in a more positive,constructive manner,rather than them seeking to join everyone else, just because its what everyone else is doing.

NCAA College Basketball Tournament..65 to 68

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The NCAA is expanding their college basketball tournament from the field of 65 to 68. Now this can only mean one thing. Money. Its strictly a business decision. The NCAA wants more teams because the more games that are played, the more financial revenue they will receive through this nationally televised event. This is,of course with the help of sponsors and college basketball's highly prestigious national powerhouses being apart of this ever-popular tournament.

Even with three spots now for the taking for many college basketball programs, there's still going to be a number of teams that will be left out. That's how its been for years. I guess I have no problem with it. I just hope the NCAA committee just doesn't expand the field to 1,000. The fact of the matter is that if numerous teams don't finish their season in the top 25 national rankings, nothing is truly guaranteed in terms of whether or not they'll obtain a good seed or a spot at all in future NCAA tournaments.