Friday, April 30, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law-Fair or unfair?

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I have a more moderate perspective towards the Arizona immigration bill. Now I believe that most individuals who are presently here illegally should see deportation to their respective countries,and they should try as much as they can to be apart of America through being a legal citizen.
Still that doesn't mean that this law is the answer. There are cases where amnesty has to be granted. This signed off piece of legislation(Arizona's Senate Bill 1070)
is not the absolute solution towards handling the illegal immigration issue.

This law will instruct every law enforcer within the state of Arizona to target only specific ppl. The AZ police will be just like Robocop's fourth prime directive.You know,that directive where he didn't do anything about any person that he worked for? They'll look past politicians that do business with greedy top corporations just so their department is funded well enough for this specific law. Because,hey we all know top U.S. born execs with crazy bonuses arent bad for our nation. And also ppl from other races in this country don't sell drugs(specifically illegally distributing U.S. manufactured prescription drugs) or committed vicious crimes right?

Now granted,the drug cartels from south of the border have posed a major threat to the state of Arizona.It effects the rest of the Southwestern States and so has human trafficking also. This has been a problem since the Reagan administration and should have been solved years ago. Still this Arizonan law though is unconstitutional.

Why? See no one has though about the lingering effects that this bill will cause. If amnesty isn't granted for special cases,then parents with be separated from their U.S. born children. Why should young ppl who might be A+ students in their high schools,who can be future prosecutors, physicians,congressman and congresswomen worry about their families being broken apart? Or why should these young ppl be concerned about leaving their schools? Then potentially seeing their academic careers being ruined because their parents would be deported and they would have to follow suit.

People might also lose their jobs because they might be a legal citizen who gets stopped by police for"reasonable cause".They might have forgotten their I.D. at their home while they were in a rush to get to work and getting their kids to school. Then they might get sent to a police department for numerous hours.While finally get their citizenship proven,all while preparing to lose their jobs that they have legitimately and ones that they couldn't afford to be absent for.

The amount of complaints towards Arizonan law enforcement will potentially skyrocket because the truth is that this isn't an Arizona problem. Its a national problem. Until a more comprehensive immigration bill is formulated by the federal government,there will be no true lawful justice for anyone who's either for or against this Arizona law.

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